Wednesday, October 15, 2008

in class blog

Maybe you could give me some more suggestions about how to tell the stories-what aspects you would like to see emphasized and focused on.

Also, maybe you could give me some suggestions about segmenting this essay. So far I have a segment for each part of the story (smell of my aunt's perfume - feathers from my grandfather - coins?[not sure if I'm going to keep this part in or not] - reflection on reality vs. coincidence - reflection on how these affect me and what they mean to me. Does this seem like it will work well or is there some way you can suggest for me to improve on this?

Any general comments would help at this point.

Thanks =)

1 comment:

Liz Reilly said...

I had composed this really great comment about elegance,, symbols, ideograms, Amy Tan novels, etc. for you but where did it go? It's lost in the wilds of blogger...probably never entered the captcha thing right and it went poof.

Perhaps each segment can describe an episode featuring the "thing" (scent, coin, feather, whatever) and leave the nature of the object ambiguous. If you do this over and over, we'll get the message that you haven't decided if they're real signs or coincidences. But I'd have to see what you've written to really give some good feedback - right now its all theory.