Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Blog 10

I don't know which essay I want to revise. Part of me wants to revise both, and part of me feels like neither is really worth while to anyone but me. I guess because the two essays have so many similarities it is hard for me to pick one over the other. Both are equally important to me, and I like both of them. On the other hand, I don't know that either would reach a broad audience or that either is particularly worthy of things bigger than this blog.

I have more ideas of ways to revise the second essay than the first (some information I can add, things I can make a bit better,etc.), but that doesn't necessarily mean that's the one I want to focus on..

I guess I need to read them both again, one after another, and see what evokes the most creativity, emotion, and interest in me. I don't know how else to choose.

If anyone feels like reading them and giving me some input on which one is of more interest to an audience/which one you would like to see revised, that would be much appreciated and taken into great consideration.

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